In that context I would like to strongly emphasis that the apexart residency concept, even though it is non-working in a classical sense, is not a bvacation/b nor a leisure trip. ... Discourse of the Prayer (2007); Multiplied Story: Bible Text , bNerezi/b, Grotto and Macedonian contemporary poetry (2006); Female Monasticism in Macedonia (2005); Women's Priesthood ? Denominator of Spiritual Maternity (a comparative view at Orthodox and Catholic theology) (2003); Semiotic Code as ...
The propagation of such patently false ideas is not only a great disrespect to thousands of victims killed and maimed in terror attacks but also exposes the moral vacuity and the vicious agenda of a section of India's fourth bestate/b. b....../b Wall-paintings of the quality of Saint Panteleimon at bNerezi/b (1162) - a typical example of Komne nan painting, with its pronounced depiction of passion and its soft lines in the rendering of bod ies, tall and elegant in their ...
The veteran Communist leader was inside the bhotel/b on November 26 night for a meeting of the Parliamentary Committee on Subordinate Legislation, of which he is the chairman. ?We were having dinner at the ?Shamiana? when the attack took ...